Just sharing two tags, one for 10x01 "Black" and the other for 10x02 "Reichenbach." :)
1. Title: Gone Fishing Genre: gen, low-key horror, northern Plains gothic Characters: Anne-Marie; the suggestion of Dean, Fishing Angel, and Castiel Rating: R Warnings: [Spoiler (click to open)]statutory rape Word Count: ~900 Summary: Until today, four trucks and thirteen cock socks
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Title: Howl to the Heavens Rating: G Characters/pairings: Castiel, Bad Wolf Warnings (including spoilers): Spoilery for Supernatural's season 6 finale and most of season 7, also for Doctor Who season 1 finale. Wordcount: 866 words Summary: Two servants of the Plan are the only ones who can understand each other.
A/N: This is a crazy idea I got a few days back and it came out a lot darker than I intended, even creepy. It's a little out there for me, though, since I don't usually write het or such heavy angst, but I hope you'll enjoy the strange twist my mind decided to take. Alternate events of S4 and probably S6, as well. Fake-cut goes to my other LJ.
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Title: Ringtone Author: debbiel Characters: Sam... but it's all about Dean... it's always been about Dean Rating: PG 13 (language, violence) Warnings: Missing scene for "The End"; spoilers through 5.04 Genre: gen Disclaimer: Not mine Word Count: 1700 A/N: Thanks to callistosh65 for the wonderful beta
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Title: Not Long Enough Rating: PG-13 *shrug* I don't remember using bad language, but that pretty much means nothing. Summary: Jus In Bello missing scene. There's something Victor wants to know.
Author's notes: I have my beta back. Yay! Now I'm going to chain her up where I can't lose her again.
Rating: PG Word Count: 1900 and change Summary: Jess' weekend alone Promt: What did Jess tell their friends about Sam suddenly leaving town with the brother they'd heard almost nothing about?
I'm still waiting to get my two ficathon stories back from my Beta 2.0. But I was watching all the stories being posted and feeling pouty because I want to play too, so I decided to link this episode related missing scene here.